What am I doing with a blog?

Awww…heck. I dunno.

Hello Lovelies: an apology April 5, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — himbly @ 9:31 am

I know I’ve not been around for, like, ever.  I’ve been kicking myself and trying to get inspired, but then I just gave in.  I think I just need to take a hiatus and my desire to blog will bubble forth naturally from my belly into my hands like foamy sick.


…and if you still care, you can read it then.  


Until then…and I’m pretty sure this day will come…check out one of my new top blogs vlogs:


he’s a hiphop writer/blogger who I think has a great perspective on life. Well, at least the stuff I’ve heard him talk about. He should date me, too.

So…I’m out for a bit longer, but don’t you think that since I’ve come back to (semi-)explain my absence that maybe I’m on the road to bloggity recovery?

see you soon



World’s loveliest protest… February 2, 2008

Filed under: misc — himbly @ 12:40 pm

Nude models in Italy staged a clothed protest.

Antonella Migliorini, 42, told Italy’s La Stampa newspaper: “Our work is not recognised. We pose for eight hours a day and still the colleges treat us like teaching tools.

Definitely an underrated population. Could you imagine having to pose for hours on end? In the nude? In a cold studio? Stared at? We forget that today’s artistic models come from an esteemed tradition that has given us invaluable works of art.

She added that being a life model was a “tough, cold job” and that most models who were lucky enough to have a full-time job only made around €900 a month.

Yesterday, models who gathered at a ceremony inaugurating the academic year at La Sapienza, Rome’s leading university, kept their clothes on in protest.

About 30 protesters struck poses imitating famous art works, including Degas’s ballerinas and Rodin’s The Thinker, at the university entrance.

Wow. As far as protests go, can you imagine a prettier one? And, it just might work:

Nando Dalla Chiesa, an education ministry official, said he had agreed to meet the models and listen to their concerns.


the alphabet with skin and clothespins January 9, 2008

Filed under: misc — himbly @ 10:00 am

You gotta see this.

via Dooce


Zenn cars

Filed under: misc — himbly @ 9:33 am

Canadian car company manufactures (and sells, but not here) an electric car.


Juno N’ such: now with spoilers January 7, 2008

Filed under: film,running — himbly @ 12:27 pm

My most recent “running goal” was to be able to run 10K without much trouble. Like, not in a race and not for a reason other than ‘hey, let’s go 10K today’. My advisor and her other running partner have started to include me in their weekly 10K (or more) sessions and for the past few weeks (4 weeks but 3 runs) that’s exactly what I’ve been doing. It feels great. I am able to run 10K now without stopping, whining (much), or losing my balance/mind. Sweet. I have a new goal now, though: running 10K without the need for a nap later on that day.  Holy crap! I was fine when I got home and then BAM! Sleep! Right between the eyes! I woke up on the couch disoriented and sad I missed the last half of a really good Curb Your Enthusiasm. I own the DVD, so I wasn’t that sad.  I mean to write about Juno so, that’s exactly what I’m going to do now. Difficult, though, so bear with me.  I saw Juno just over week ago, so I’ve developed different thoughts than when I left the theatre. First and foremost:  I ~did~ like Juno.  At first, I wasn’t sure, but I really did.  I’d actually see it again.  I’d recommend others see it.  So, let that be the foundation that evenly matches our skin tone so that I may apply the cosmetics of criticism.  Nice.  I don’t even wear makeup.  Things I loved about Juno:  Juno.  The acting (everyone).  The love (I said that to be cheesy, but it’s true.  It’s a very sweet movie.).  The cast (Michael Cera, the guy who plays Schillinger in Oz, Jason Bateman, whoever the girl was who played Juno…).  Juno was level headed, smart, and adorable throughout.  I loved the relationship she had with her father and her stepmother.  I loved her best friend… equally clever and very supportive without at all being sappy.Here’s what I didn’t love: the male roles.   And I am clearly in the minority on this one, but I felt -as a whole- the male characters in Juno were weak. Not underrepresented, as supporting female roles often are…but just plain weak. Lemme explain. *** Here is where I always have trouble explaining exactly how I feel without sounding like an a-hole. So, instead of writing another long description of the male characters in Juno, I’ll just quickly state it as best I can and then if anyone has a beef, they can comment and I’ll try to explain more. Here goes: the stepfather was lovely. Bleeker was sooo lame. He was pushed out of the events in such a way that I’m not sure his character could stand. That whole things just didn’t make sense to me. The most disappointing was Jason Bateman’s character. I was really rooting for the blossoming friendship between Juno and him and I felt that the turn it made (the nearly romantic and creepy) just wrecked it. The tension held because he was a good guy in a marriage that was not healthy, although his wife was wonderful…just too high strung for the likes of him. I liked that. Two multi-dimensional characters, one who identifies with the baby and the other who identifies with the girl carrying that baby. I thought his weird flirtation with Juno and his sudden bombshell (along with the step-mother’s foreshadowing) turned him from multi-dimensional character to creep in seconds flat. There. I said it. That was my big let down. Both of the most important male characters seemed to throw up their hands in a I-dunno kinda way as soon as the baby issue fell anywhere near them. As if it was ‘chick stuff’. The women all leapt into action, but the men…at least the two main ones…dropped the ball completely.It’s been difficult to write this one, but I think I got my main point across. Does it make sense?  UPDATE:  I went to go see Juno again and I think I’ve changed my mind.   


movies n’ such January 5, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — himbly @ 12:51 pm

I’m back.  Been awhile since I’ve written on the ol’ bloggity. School finished for me (ie. I finished my last paper) on the 20th and it has been a whirlwind of holiday excitement since. Until about 3 days ago, when I planted my ass and refused to budge. I am officially ~relaxing~.Part of my relaxation/holiday has been to see a couple of movies. I think my years as a projectionist made me appreciate more the fun of going to a matinee solo. I saw The Golden Compass and Juno.The Golden Compass…apparently there’s been a fuss? Something about atheism? I didn’t see it, but then I am a heathen non-believer and also it’s apparently more prevalent in the sequel(s). Overall, I enjoyed it. But I enjoyed it like I do most adventure/Harry Potterish movies…probably will never see it again and will forget what it’s all about next week, anyway. Coveted the costumes, though. Dang.I have, as of the past year or so, become more sensitive. Perhaps not in the good way, but I will cry at the drop of a well timed hat. I hate that. It’s taken away my desire to see so many movies that I would otherwise probably check out. All I need is a mournful string section and I’m dabbing at my eyes with kleenex. Gad…what a sap I am! Anyway, the friendship that develops between the girl and the bear put me over the edge a few times. Really. Wtf?

I’m going to write about Juno in a different post. I am clearly in the minority on this one, so I have to concentrate on writing it properly…back in a sec.


Think of it as a type of reveille

Filed under: dorky,youtube — himbly @ 12:33 pm

I bring you this, my friends, to signal the dawning of my return (is that semantically possible?).    


Found Magazine December 19, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — himbly @ 7:39 pm

This is a reading done by the founder of Found magazine. Too lazy right now to link to it, but it is a fantastic website.

The reading is hilarious.


small things December 17, 2007

Filed under: dorky — himbly @ 12:36 am

Just makes me feel good to think that Jonathan Goldstein and I both spend hours in front of Macs editing our own voices. Though, what he says is hilarious and beautiful. What I say is ‘tlang’.Having a bitch of a weekend. Hope that everyone else’s was lovely.


Important enough to pause all else December 11, 2007

Filed under: dorky,feminism — himbly @ 11:04 am

These are worrying times, my friends.Many things to discuss, many things to contribute one’s thoughts to…and most of all this:

It must be admitted that few girls, of whatever age, have ever fathomed the delirious appeal of Mad humor.    

 These are the words of Michael Dirda of the Washington Post. Girls don’t like Mad?? Then explain to me, sir, why I have a picture of Fonebone hanging in my hallway?

Of course, no girl, and certainly no mother, could be expected to appreciate the risqu¿ insightfulness of “Snap Ploobadoof” — the sound of “Wonder Woman releasing her Amazon brassiere.”    

 If I have no appreciation of it, sir, then why did the detailed image instantly appear to me the second I read Snap Ploobadoof? Not only that, sir, I can look it up within one of my three or four Don Martin books 5 ft to my right, if I were inclined to do so.Hmph.Michael Dirda has an obvious desire to make Mad a “boys only/no gerls allowed” club house because, apparently, his memories of buying Mad at the corner store would be sullied if he knew that his ‘dorky sister’ was also reading it when she built her fort out of couch cushions. I submit, friends, that Michael Dirda is, in reality, a dork of the same type as those who has ruined the memory of Monty Python sketches by continually and unceasingly yelling “Ni!” every bloody g-damn opportunity. However, Dirda’s intention is to review The Completely Mad Don Martin…a compilation of Don Martin’s work over 30 years at Mad…and convince you, the reader, to buy it. I agree, and if I had $150 kicking around, I would certainly pick it up. His article, however, reviews memories of his favourite Don Martin gags in such a way that they manage to dampen the impact. How can you describe the Freak Accident, the Drag Race, or even the Rat Race:

My favorite single drawing — one I remember from boyhood — is “An Evening in the City.” A stubble-bearded guy with rolled-up shirtsleeves peers out of an office window and says, “I tell you, Mrs. Frimp, I’m getting sick and tired of this Rat Race!” At the next window the blowsy Mrs. Frimp answers, “I know what you mean, Mr. Eck! We’re all getting sick of it!” Below the couple, one sees the street: full of large, very determined rats, in track suits, running a marathon through the city. Mrs. Frimp then adds, needlessly, “Besides . . . a 7-day Rat Race is such a stupid idea in the first place!!”   

Sure, it recalls fond memories…but nowhere near as funny as the original cartoon was…because it was a drawing. Does one describe the Mona Lisa?mona.jpg

Don Martin made up that sound, and that poster, and those names. But, as Gary Larson emphasizes in his foreword to The Completely Mad Don Martin, the man most truly dazzled in his drawing. His jowly, cross-eyed characters stare at us from the page with an utterly sublime imbecility, unaware of their smug silliness, confident that they are in control, the captains of their destiny and the masters of any situation, no matter how complex or improbable. In fact, Martin’s characters — half of them named Fonebone — resemble and behave like the Three Stooges, but Stooges without the least modicum of intelligence. Martin’s naively stupid fairy-tale princes, incompetent surgeons, hapless Tarzans and demonic dentists generally end up with cracked skulls and dazed what-hit-me grins. Whatever happens to them, though, they never, ever see it coming. But the reader does — and this is part of the pleasure of Martin’s humor: Like silent-era comedians, his characters toss a banana onto the sidewalk, then slip on it.   

I think Dirda spent too much time intellectualizing something that wasn’t meant to be intellectualized in the first place. Then he made it lamer by essentially claiming something along the lines of “girls have cooties”.

Obviously, one’s dopey sisters could hardly be expected to grasp the sheer genius of a name like Elwood Pleebis, Fornis J. Plebney, or Horace Veeblefetzer. But even those girls one kind of, sort of, liked might actually fail to roll on the ground with uncontrollable laughter at a political poster that proclaimed: “Help the mentally incompetent. Re-elect your congressman!”   

Yeah. ‘kay.  Oh..one more thing.  I’ve read Mad lately.  If boys want to lay claim to the current state of Mad, they’re welcome to it. 


MIA December 10, 2007

Filed under: dorky — himbly @ 10:33 pm

Once again, I’m sorry for the lack of posts around here…



yes..indeed.  All you folk clamouring for more posts.  I’m sorry to you. 

Anyway, again, been busy and sorta focused on getting some work done on my thesis.  Yes!  It’s already ~that~ time.  The time where I begin to write the effer up.  Someone hold me. Week or two longer and I should have small bit to hand in to my advisor…I’m even hoping for some time off around Xmas to sleep and knit and bathe and pluck my eyebrows.  That ~will~ be fun. 


The day the adults left so that little girls could finally live alone with bunnies and monkeys December 7, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — himbly @ 2:05 am

Heeeeee…this build your own world site is fun! littlegirlworld.jpg 


My version of the apocalypse

Filed under: Uncategorized — himbly @ 1:50 am

Fun times over at the Veer.com website where you can build your own world.  Perfect for when you’re procrastinating that special paper. monkeysrobotshumans.jpg 


Been busy December 5, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — himbly @ 10:43 am

But enjoy the nerdalicious goodness:   via Pharyngula 


posts looking like ass these days November 29, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — himbly @ 1:19 am

Sorry about my posts and their bad formatting these days.  I’m trying to get used to the new stuff that wordpress threw at me.