What am I doing with a blog?

Awww…heck. I dunno.

Re: my last post July 20, 2005

Filed under: Uncategorized — himbly @ 12:19 pm

You know…I’m not good at politics.


I’m fairly new to this. I’ve only started reading the news regularly in the past couple of years. I’m not good (yet) at naming events, dates, and names at crucial moments in an argument.

I’m not confident enough to bullshit my way through it, either.

But I do know that he is right.

And I would like to offer some praise to Tony Blair, Londoners and the Brits in general for keeping level heads and thinking to meet with Muslim community leaders in an effort to start understanding.


Mayor of London speaks…

Filed under: Uncategorized — himbly @ 11:54 am

I think this is important to read.


July 6, 2005

Filed under: Uncategorized — himbly @ 7:43 am

The day before yesterday, NASA celebrated another triumph of engineering when they managed to steer their probe straight into a comet.


Now they have data. Lots.

I have to admit, every time I hear of something like this my first reaction is ‘holy crap! nice work, everyone.’ because…wow. They ~steered an effing probe into a comet~! Congratulations, Science. Very impressive.

Then I think of all the money that could come from that research to help us here on Earth…but then I think, ‘but they ~steered a probe into an effing comet~!’. But still…holy $$$.

and now they’re being sued

by a Russian astrologer for tampering with the future of civilization.

and that’s funny…but then you’ve got to think that we’ve already made some pretty big mistakes here on Earth…is it really wise of us to go up into space and start tinkering there?


If we need proof that things have gone a little weird since the whole comet-slamming thing, I’ve got some:

1- My new hero Matt Striker.

2- My other new hero Russian Drag Cheater.

3- That anyone cares what Jacques Chirac, Gerhard Schoeder, and Vlad Putin think about British
and Finnish cuisine.

Actually…that last one I don’t think anyone but the media (and maybe cooks) care. But…it’s funny.