What am I doing with a blog?

Awww…heck. I dunno.

Hello Lovelies: an apology April 5, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — himbly @ 9:31 am

I know I’ve not been around for, like, ever.  I’ve been kicking myself and trying to get inspired, but then I just gave in.  I think I just need to take a hiatus and my desire to blog will bubble forth naturally from my belly into my hands like foamy sick.


…and if you still care, you can read it then.  


Until then…and I’m pretty sure this day will come…check out one of my new top blogs vlogs:


he’s a hiphop writer/blogger who I think has a great perspective on life. Well, at least the stuff I’ve heard him talk about. He should date me, too.

So…I’m out for a bit longer, but don’t you think that since I’ve come back to (semi-)explain my absence that maybe I’m on the road to bloggity recovery?

see you soon
